energy awareness

Energy Awareness and Dogs

Energy Awareness and Dogs About 1.5 years ago, when my Romanian Rescue dog Tramp was still in his delinquent adolescent phase 🙂 something happened that was the equivalent of being smacked in the face with a  big book of understanding! This has now become a huge part of not just

personal dog training

Personal Dog Training Consultations

  Sadly I am unable to take on any further One to One Clients at the moment, but Wait!… please don’t just leave! I still want to be able to help you! As a specialist in Romanian & Foreign Rescue dogs I know only too well how difficult it can be to find a trainer

Romanian Rescue Support


Passionate About Helping YouLive In Harmony With YourRomanian Rescue Dogs  We are Making Some Changes! Please Bear With Us While we areRefreshing The WebsiteÂ