How to Minimize Stress for Your Romanian Dogs at Christmas
How to Minimize Stress for Your Romanian Dogs at Christmas Christmas and New Year can be a frazzling time of year for everyone with so much to do and so many people to see, so I thought it might be helpful to give you some tips on how to minimize
Romanian Rescue Dogs
Romanian Rescue Dogs If you are considering adopting a Romanian Rescue Dog or already have then there may be lots of information here of interest to you. After becoming involved with Romanian Rescue in 2015, both as a support advisor to new adopters and a fosterer myself, I was led to look deeper into the
Recommended Do’s & Don’t’s For Settling Your Romanian Rescue Dog
Recommended Do’s & Don’ts for Settling Your Newly Adopted Romanian Rescue Dog The importance of ‘getting it right’ for your new Romanian (foreign) Rescue Dog cannot be stressed enough. It is far easier to prevent problems arising than it is to try to undo them once something has happened. By