help your reactive dog

Tips & Advice for Walking Your Reactive Dog

Walks can be pretty stressful when you have a reactive dog right? If you have a dog that explodes into a frenzy of barking, spinning and lunging when they see other dogs, people, bikes, traffic, strange animals etc, it can become a never ending cycle of stress and upset for

personal dog training

Personal Dog Training Consultations

  Sadly I am unable to take on any further One to One Clients at the moment, but Wait!… please don’t just leave! I still want to be able to help you! As a specialist in Romanian & Foreign Rescue dogs I know only too well how difficult it can be to find a trainer

playing with your dog

How Playing With Your Dog Can Lead to Better Behaviour

  Are You Playing With Your Dog Enough? We all know that our dog’s require at least basic training and regular exercise to be mentally healthy and to keep them safe out and about on walks, but were you aware of how important it is to spend time playing with

train your dog

2 Reasons Why You Could Be Struggling to Train Your Dog

 Are Struggling to Train Your Dog? The Answer Could Be That You’re Not Doing These 2 Things, You dream of having a beautifully trained dog, who is a pleasure to have around.  You’ve seen other people with these dogs, and you’re pretty sure you could achieve that with a bit

romanian rescue dogs training and support group

Romanian Rescue Dogs – Training & Support Group

Specialist Help & Training Advice GroupFor Guardians with Romanian Rescue Dogs  Romanian Dogs are a bit different from British dogs, having stronger natural instincts they can present their guardians with a variety of challenges. Many trainers are not experienced with foreign dogs, and can struggle to give the best advice on general training and behaviour issues

stop your dog chasing

Helpful Tips to Stop Your Dog Chasing

Does your dog regularly disappear at speed to chase ‘things?’ Get a better Understanding & Some Tips Here on How To Stop Your Dog Chasing. If your dog disappears in a cloud of dust after a rabbit?  Or leaves you standing while he runs off into the distance after a dog, cat,

Romanian Rescue Support


Passionate About Helping YouLive In Harmony With YourRomanian Rescue Dogs  We are Making Some Changes! Please Bear With Us While we areRefreshing The Website 

recall training

12 Steps to Reliable Recall Training

If you feel like you don’t exist as far as your dog is concerned, and that everything and everyone else is much more interesting than you are, then this article is for you! 🙂   If you’ve asked yourself so many times, why does this always happen, why does my recall